Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I am on fan of the crimp. When I was 7, I begged my mother for a crimping rion and finally after weeks of screaming, xcrying and moping, she relented. I can't tell you the number of hours spent zig-zagging my side pony tail and then admiring my handiwork, while sporting my grey and red "B" Benneton sweater--all the rage in my 1980's prep school.
So, when I saw this "crimped" sheared nude fur, I freaked. I mean, its architectural madness at its finest. In fact, its fostering some design insprations. I've simply got get my hands on another crimping iron. I wonder if I could crimp my sweaters . . .
*FERAUD "crimped" shear fur. In a size 6. Priced at $2500.
For further information or to purchase, please contact;

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