Friday, November 13, 2009


Hello Chanel-O! Ok, I know. It takes a certain kind of girl to wear this Chanel jacket. But, it must be said, that this is the kind of jacket that when sported by the right girl, with the right accessories, in the right way--concretizes her fashion cred. In fact, it's the kind of jacket that gets wistful looks that come accompanied by whispers of, "I wish I could pull that off . . ." Of course, we know that all of our clients are "it girls". So, we had to post this baby for all of you. Bon appettit!
*Chanel floral jacket with sequins. Priced at $1500.
For further information or to purchase, please contact:

1 comment:

alaskagrown said...

This looks like a dress I've seen by Mike Vensel! That's super cute :)