We heart handbags. In our opinions, no outfit is complete until its wearer has chosen her handbag. In fact, sometimes we build an entire ensemble around a bag of choice.
Truth be told, handbags as major fashion item is only a semi-recent trend. While Gucci and Fendi have always enjoyed a certain handbag caché, it was Balenciaga who kicked off the renaissance with the grouping of louche leather bags. Accented with metal hardware and crafted with bohemian long strand tassles and buckles, Balenciaga single-handly revived the handbag to cult status. Articles were published on the celebutantes who carry them. Waiting lists were created for next year's collection. Ardent admirers committed the Balenciaga colors per season to memory. And we were definitely card carrying members of the Balenciaga fan club. and still are. Which is why whenever a Balenciaga comes into the store that's super chic and delicious, we just have to tell about it. Afterall, we're pretty sure we've seen you at a few club meetings . . .
*Balenciaga Giant City bag. New without tags. Originally retailed for $1595 and priced at $1100.
For further information or to purchase,please contact: lizzy@decadestwo.com
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