Monday, February 16, 2009


***Decadestwo Staffers--skulking in their natural habitat. Billy et moi.***

Staff Member: Lizzy

Star Sign: Virgo

On the Ole Ones and Twos: R. Cioni, Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth, and Animal Collective

Can Be Seen At: Serata Futurista--celebrating the 100 year anniversary of Futurism

Wouldn't Be Caught Dead: metallizing the human spirit

Staff Pick: Thomas Wylde Ski Chapeau

Et Pourquois: "White is a primal Futurist color and nothing quite screams Death to Archaisim like a mink trimmed hat with mohawk metal spikes!"

*Thomas Wylde white crinkled leather hat with mink trim and gem mohwak details. New with tags. Originally retailed for $2875 and priced at $1000.

For further information or to purchase, please contact:

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