Sunday, October 26, 2008

STAFF PICK: Professor Burns

Staff Member: Professor Burns

On the Decks: Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain, & Product of the 80s by Prodigy, BigTwins & UnPacino

Star Sign: Cancer

Pick: ***Louis Vuitton red rubber polka dot skirt

Et Pourqouis: Nothing says loving like an LV latex skirt! Porno Chic!

Can Be Seen At: FIELD: A Movement Workshop in the Territory & Mindset of Space

Every Saturday in November from 2:00 - 4:30 pm

$150 for the whole shebang/$40 per class

Wouldn't Be Caught Dead: A Jonas Brother's Concert or on the tennis courts after dark

***Louis Vuitton Red Rubber Polka Dot Skirt. Available in a size 36 for $1100. In next-to-new condition!

Johnson & Johnson's Baby Powder (Trust Sister Bear . . . $1.99 @ most Walgreen's)

For further information or to purchase, please contact:

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